Saturday, April 4, 2009, never give a kid wasabi paste.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! (story time)

There was an overabundance of vocalities today from our two wee fools. Chatterboxes. I'm not looking forward to the day when I wish beyond wishing for them to just close their crazy yappers; for now, it's sweet sweet music.

Especially aww-inspiring (I'm so embarrased that I wrote this pun, I decided to keep it in) is their self-sustained discussions. There begins a bit of blabbering by one child, to which we applaud like trained seals. When the other one sees the positive result gleaned by their sibling - and eager to not be left out while the gettin's good - they chime in happily. After a couple rounds, our inputs become less frequent, until eventually there is a non-coherent, spastic discussion between the two of them. Possibly it's about the Jonas Brothers; I don't know.

This is a fun part of the twin gig. Maybe single kids do this, too, but twins are all we have and twins are all we know. It's so much fun to listen to it. When it happens I feel like I invented nuclear fusion: just drop in a couple "gah gah"s and watch it go. My kids could power New England for a week.

We all went out tonight to Fuji Ya for our friend Nadia's birthday, who was awesome to invite us with the kids in tow. We got a 4 piece spicy tuna roll, but damn the luck, they filled up on crackers so we just had to eat it ourselves. I regret not bringing the camera and snapping a shot of us trying to cram a tuna roll into Abby's mouth using one of those tiny baby spoons. Hilarious juxtaposition! Kid + sushi = laughs. Both girls had a good turn at banging my Sapporo can with a chopstick. Abby is a born drummer, I swear to god, she loves anything that makes noise when you hit it. This includes Lily's cranium.

A fine day, all in all.

Day forty eight

Lily gazing towards the computer. She loves the blue power light, and enjoys pushing it for the requisite 4 seconds to turn it to "sleep" mode.

Another angle on story time. 10 tiny tadpoles swimming blah blah snore.

Lily considers "10 Tiny Tadpoles" a scathing manifesto against isolationism in a post-internet society. I'm amazed she got that metaphor.

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