Friday, April 3, 2009

Wanted: more specialists for my kid. Is there a doctor that only studies crazy blonde hair?

Steve and Tracey prep for dinner while talking to Dad on the speaker phone.

Today is our Mom's birthday; she would have been sixty five years old today. It was Tracey's idea to get together, have some food and beverage, and toast one of the people primarily responsible for making it all possible. So off to Chaska we drove, and indeed food was eaten and glasses/bottles/sippy cups were clinked together in a manner that proved satisfactory to all. Even Lily approved. Mom might've been sad to find that we didn't schlep our families out to the casino in her honor, but I would wager the spaghetti and meatballs and drinks-a-plenty easily made up for that transgression. Maybe I'll try and do right by her with a quick game of free cell before bed.

Jen had the unenviable task of taking both kids to the doctor today so Abby could endure yet another x-ray to see if the pnoomonia is still around. It is. Just barely, though, but it's a pesky ol' sickness. It isn't manifesting itself in any way, so it seems like this is just a formality, but we are now going to be saddling Abby with yet another specialist. This time around: pulmonologist. (I just asked Jen exactly what that means. Her reply: "It's a lungologist")

That makes this a fantastic time to play How Many Doctors Does Our Kid Have!?! (da da da daaa da di da ti daahh...) Let's see if I can get it right!

Pediatrician (duh)
Geneticist (little harder)
Pediatric Opthamologist (gah?)
Physical Therapist (not technically a doctor, but we'll accept it)
Pulmonologist (hrmm..)
Julie (ha! tricky one. Okay, I don't know what her title was, but she was in charge of Abby's helmet, and I feel bad about not knowing what "title" to give her because she was wicked nice and helpful)
Speech Pathologist (her "gah gah"s are way off)
Life Coach
and we've got an attorney on retainer, just in case.

I think it's a safe estimate to say that Jen takes her to roughly 104% of these appointments. How she juggles it all and manages to sail through her MBA courses is a mystery.

Day forty seven.

Happy birthday, Mom.

Tracey (aka Aunt Tracey, Mommy) hangs with the Easter Lucy.

She got Jen's face but my ears.

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