Friday, March 20, 2009

This post contains 100% of your daily dose of Kurt Russell.

Apparently the good and moral people at whatever snacking conglomerate makes Goldfish crackers thinks their package is a ripe place to give us some life lessons.

I don't get it. Neither does Jen. Yet it's geared towards children.

I'm giving us all a break of girly-girl pictures for the day; they deserve one day's peace from having their mugs splattered all over this blog. Sorry. Please refer to another day if you want a twin fix.

The day started out mired in frustration, mostly for Jen. Last night, Abby decided that she was not an anti-biotic-loving kind of chick, so when I attempted to give her a dose, it went swimmingly. I'm not sure she really got much down. We worried about whether we should try more, if she got enough, etc. Fast forward to this morning, when I come downstairs to find Jen holding a spastic Abby down trying to administer some medicine. This is one of those teeth-gritting moments of parenting. I knew when I saw Jen that she was about to snap, partly because it's hard to go toe-to-toe with a thirteen month old girl who's digging in her heels, but mostly it was the stress of having a girl with pneumonia and no way to give her medicine for it. I was downstairs for not a minute before my teeth were gritting as well.

After they were off to day care (they were feeling up to it, we swear...don't judge us!), Jen bravely took a hit from their prescription bottle. Apparently it was bad. Empathy was felt. Then she had the bright idea to add the anti-biotics to some yogurt for dinnertime. This was quickly and cheerfully swallowed, so these girls have 8 more days and a lot of yogurt left to go.

Here's a little update of where the kids are:

Abby is starting to get very good at moving from sitting to lying and other various positions, but is still glacially slow at progressing towards crawling or getting around. She's spent her fair share of time standing at the coffee table, which is apparently the most fun thing to do ever.

Lily is probably just a few weeks out from walking, but for now she melts to the ground whenever we take our hands away from her. As always, she seeks out danger wherever it may lie and no matter how well we hide it. She's an adventurer.

Day thirty three.

Daddy narcicistically giving the sign for "Daddy".

Mommy doing likewise.

Once the kids were off to bed, we relaxed in a way that only good parents can: by playing some Farkle, eating mac and cheese, and watching Tango and Cash. What can I say, they weren't broadcasting the Xavier game.

I think this screen shot captures the pure essence of this movie in all its fantasticness.

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