Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mom's Perspective: Edition 1

Abs, looking sweet as always.

Tonight's post to 365 Days of Twins is brought to you by Jen (the mommy) as it has been decided (mostly by me) that Dave stays up too late writing in this blog and needs some sleep. I am aware that upon reading this there are some of you out there in the blog-0-sphere who just experienced simultaneous disappointment and fear. Disappointment because you now have to wait until tomorrow's post to get a fresh fix of Dave-isms. Fear because you have no idea whether or not he married a woman who can entertain you as effectively as Dave can. I won't make you wait until the end of this blog to figure that out, I'll tell you up front--I am no Dave. I'm aware of this shortcoming and don't need you to confirm it via your comments. I'm very fragile and will take all criticisms with no grains of salt and will probably cry. So bite your tongue and deal with the fact that Dave needs a break once in awhile. Not that he admits or is even aware of this fact, which is why I'm here to point it out for him.

I will take this opportunity to explain the meaning behind a part of the title of last Saturday night's post "Wetness! Nodding! Signing!, etc". The nodding and signing were explained by Dave, here's the deal about the wetness:

Both girls woke up early and hungry on Saturday morning. Both tired and groggy, Dave fed Abs while I fed Lily. Sitting in the chair in their room, holding Lilypad in my arms, looking at her sweet face, I kept thinking what a nice, warm moment. No wait, it's not so much a warm moment as a wet one. Lily had leaked out of her diaper. We went over to the changing table, Lils still clutching her bottle while I took off her wet pjs and cleaned her up. All I could think about was how Lily's ability to hold her own bottle has been the catalyst to my amazing mombility to multitask. Freshly cleaned up, nice and dry in new pajamas, Lily finished her bottle and returned to a happy, "dry" slumber. She even thanked me for being the best mommy ever by sleeping in until 8 AM. (She might have slept longer but I chose to wake her before she and Abby ended up on completely opposite schedules--for the record, sleeping in for Abby is 7:15, an occurrence that did not happen on this particular day).

You are probably wondering what is so interesting about a baby soaking through her diaper, and you are right to wonder, it is not that exciting. What made this interesting is that Lily was even wetter when I got her up at 8. I could not understand how Pampers could let me down so harshly and began to seriously consider the need to switch her to the same brand of diaper as her sister (Abs is a Huggies gal). I recanted that thought, however, when I unzipped Lily's pjs and discovered that she was sans diaper. It seems that in the midst of my pre-dawn pat on the back for rocking this mommy-gig, I forgot to replace Lily's diaper.

The point of this long-winded story? 1. Any one who knows me will attest to this: every story I tell is long-winded. I'm aware and have no control over it. 2. I think you have a pretty good idea now about what a "great" mommy I am. That's right, I'm apparently walking around in a daze and can't do the simplist of parental duties. Dave holds this whole parenting show together. 3. I just proved my original point, which was that I am no Dave. But really, I don't know many people with his flair for storytelling, do you?

Hopefully, Dave enjoyed his night off and will go to bed early. And hopefully I didn't put you to sleep. Either way, he'll be back tomorrow, so please come back. And (shameless plug by someone who wants her husband showered with love) become a follower if you haven't already--it's so exciting to see new followers and know that people are reading this thing.

Lily in a rare solemn moment.

Abby has food in her eyes after almost every meal.

She's thinking about splashing you.

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  1. Don't worry about the diaper - when my nephews were younger I repeatedly put their diapers on backwards to similar result... there are worse things in the world. And Jen, you need to give yourself more credit for your blogging abilities!!

  2. Yay guest blogger! I have only met you once (when I am sure I was chock full of unwanted "you are about to have a baby so this is what I know" advice) so it is nice to meet you again!

    We (coughcoughtomdiditcoughcough) have left diapers off of the babes. I once forgot Oscar's shoes until we were halfway down the block in his stocking feet. The really fun part comes when they start to notice when you forget things and give you that "what are you, an idiot?" look.

  3. er...that should have read "you are about to have babIES"
