Monday, January 18, 2010

Soooo so so tired.

We were awoken last night around 1am to a very upset Abigail. No good cause for this was ever given by her or deduced by us, but it was a rather unusual episode. Jen got up with her, changed her diaper, gave her some milk, sat with her, until she started to doze again. Jen brought her back over to the crib, and she jolted awake and clung to Jen for dear life.

Around this time I came in to see what I could do. Abby was steadfastly not going to fall asleep; in fact, she would bawl whenever Jen stopped touching her. Strange. Jen began to postulate that she might have had a bad dream, which remains our only and best guess at what made this all happen. After a while of us standing there stroking her, we decided to bring her back to bed with us.

Lying between us with the dog at our feet only seemed to energize her more. Funny, we still have not yet really slept with the girls, which seems odd since it seems like so many other parents do it. Ours just get too excited at the different scenery.

We gave in, and I brought her down to the family room, where she played quite rambunctiously while I watched old Cosby Show reruns. I should state for the record: I never realized it as a kid, but the Cosby Show is a hunk of crap. In the episode I saw, Dr. Huxtable (aka Heathcliffe) was taking the family to Washington DC, but Vanessa didn't want to because the most important party of the year was that same weekend. It was made abundantly clear that this party was amazingly important to her. She pleaded her case, but the Coz was hilariously unmoved. Some tension arose between the two. I was excited to see how Cosby would deal with the situation, thinking I could glean some valuable parenting techniques. Instead, Vanessa happily bounds into the kitchen a couple scenes later, smilingly proclaims that her dad is right and she will go to DC and have a great time, and I think she might have even thanked her dad. Are you @#$%!!ing me? I feel like a worse parent for having witnessed it.

But that's okay, because in my disgust I changed the channel and found Die Hard 2, a laughably bad and infinitely watchable flick. I'm amazed at the bounty on tv at 2 in the am with only the most basic of cable packages.

Jen came down a bit later and we sat with the blondie munchkin before deciding to bring her back up around 3ish. She showed zero signs of fatigue. She was bouncing off the walls. But there was nothing else for us to do, so we brought her up, and she whined a tiny bit and was quiet.

I think I got a total of about 4.5 restless hours of sleep. I'm tired tonight. Plus I played hockey, so that's a killer. I thought I'd go to bed early, but it's almost 11 and here I am, typing away. Damn this blog.

Day three hundred and thirty six.

These might be repeat pictures, I have no idea. This one is of Lily and me. We seem happy. We seem not tired.

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