Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's coming down. Go home and take a snow day, Mrs. Braintree.

Our street tonight. This photo is dedicated to my Dad's air conditioner, which is likely working dutifully down in Ft. Myers.

There seems to be some mystical quality of the snow that makes other parents linger at day care during the drop off, as if they think they can sequester themselves inside and forget about the blustery weather outside. During both drop off and pick up today, the street parking was full, so both times found me driving around the block twice and slowly lingering, waiting, waiting for these people to just move already. Sooo....sloowww. I'm also intrigued at whatever ridiculous procedure people use to get their kids into/out of their car seats. Not that I'm keeping score, but I am usually faster with two kids than most are with one. Harumph!

This is all notable for the reason that Lily, on passing day care during our first transit around the block, once again took this to mean we were not going into day care, and exploded into a supernova of unhappiness and tears. I have to say, I never really considered how aware she is of our surroundings in the car. I've watched her in the mirror...she doesn't really look outside. Normally she just makes funny noises, asks me for kleenexes ("Nooose! Noose!!!! NOOOOSE!" I give it to her for a few seconds. "All done!"), and plays this game with Abby where they try to grab each other's hands, which is wicked cute. I have truly never seen her look out the window with any semblance of anything smacking of cognition in our location.

Yet somehow, she knows instinctively that we just passed day care.

As it was the first time she did this, it was adorablesadfunny. The sad part comes from knowing how ingrained she is in the rigamarole of being with somebody else all day. It makes me feel secondary in their lives.

In other news...Abby is starting to pick up on the whole "talking with words instead of whining gets better results" principle. There's been an uptick in her "more"s and "eat"s and other pleadings of necessity. She's also aces at doing the sign for "please", but when she does it she says, "Abby?" Funny how much they both love the word "Abby".

So I have to go on record as saying how excited I am about the snow. I have no real reason to be; I have no vested recreational interest in the stuff, like I had when we lived in Denver and days like this would send me running for Summit County. I just like the change of seasons. And to be honest, I feel like I need to defend winter. I've heard so much griping today about the misery that is floating down upon us (or flying sideways to drift upon us, as the case may be tonight), and I think winter simply gets a raw deal. So, here's to you, winter. Thanks for the variety. Thanks for giving me reason to hug my registers. Thanks for making me use 3rd, 2nd, and (yipes!) 1st gear on the highway. Thanks for reminding me why I keep those sleds stored in my garage all year.

Day two hundred and ninety five.

This picture is unique in that her hair seems to be defying gravity on the upper-left part of the picture. Not sure why.

Abby, difusing a bomb.

The tongue is there, just aching to get past those lips.

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