Sunday, November 29, 2009

Shh. We've been bugged.

Lily loves when I jump over her. I think I stole this move from my brother. Photo courtesy of Grandma/Marj and her quick shutter finger.

The kids are listening. More frighteningly, they are absorbing our idiosyncrasies and parroting them back to us. The ramifications of this are epic: what we do and say around the kids now seems to matter. eep!

I'd suspected as much for a while, but it was made clear to me today during a walk at the Stalkers'. I heard Lily say (and I forget the context, I'm sure she was giving something to someone) the word, "Aeeryuuugaaaoo". This word was not new; I'd heard it before. It was a Lilyism of the phrase, "There you go". It's dastardly cute when she lays it out, and today it made me realize something: I always use that phrase, especially around the kids. It's not exactly a verbal crutch or anything (certainly nothing on par with the 'like's and 'goes's of the world), but it just gets used a lot. For example:

Lily (in high chair during the waning moments of dinner): "Aaaaaall done!"
[Lily overturns her plate of pasta onto the waiting beagle below her]
Me: "Okily dokily."
[I hoist her out and plop her on the ground, dusting off the 11 pieces of macaroni desperately clinging to her bottom]
Me: "There-ya-go."

See? It gets said a lot. What is going to keep me up at night is the thought that these three words in tandem are quaintly Minnesotan. "Derr yah goo!" Oh yah... So am I unwittingly yoking my kids to a regional dialect? It's rather off-putting - and grandly intimidating - that I'm now having a direct effect on diction. Nothing does more to highlight my unfortunate influence than to hear my stupid, idiotic predilection for stupid, idiotic phrases repeated right back in my face. I'm eager for the day when they're both running in the park, chasing squirrels and yelling, "Oof daa! Derrr yaaa gooo! Betcha!"

And I'm technically from Ohio, which is all the more baffling.

Thanksgiving, give or take a minor illness of dire gastrointestinal consequences, was nice. Thank you Marj and Neil for having us up; I'm trying to remember a moment during the weekend when I raised a finger to help cook or clean, and none are coming to mind. Very telling indeed. You guys are awesome. Awesome!! (that was from Lily)

Day two hundred and eighty six.

ps. I just got a nameless invite to Google Wave. If that was you...thanks!! No idea who sent it. Santa??

Lily during our walk today. Brr. She refused to be phased by the brr.

What 36 degree day isn't complete without hanging out at the swings?? Again: brr.

Grandpa teaching Abby the finer points of crosswording.

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