Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'll never drive by day care again.

A couple of recycled photos from a weekend walk in the park. This is a self portrait. Some long, November shadows, even around midday.

Colors are nice.

This morning, the girls and I had a lovely drive to day care. We discussed what birds say ("Cackaaw!"). We sang some songs, each one ending with a chorus of, "Yaaay!"s. We discussed who Bonnie is, and why she lies over the ocean.

As our blue Subaru crept up on our destination, I saw that there were no parking spots out front. "Curses!" I yelled, shaking my fist towards the heavens. But then I saw Joe, another parent, coming out of the building making for his car. As there's no good place to sit and wait for a spot, I opted to drive around the block and get Joe's spot once he'd gone.

I wasn't 4 feet past day care when Lily erupted in a maniacal, wailful cry. I turned around in time to see her looking over at the day care building as we passed it. There's no mistaking the fact that she was upset because she thought we weren't going in.

Somebody tell me: should this make me very happy, because they obviously love day care, or very sad because she'd rather be going to day care than spend any more time with me?

Day two hundred and seventy eight.

I think she's doing the sprinkler dance here.

Must. Reach. Camera.
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1 comment:

  1. It's the routine! Kids love routine and hate it when it gets messed up. She would much rather be with you!
