Friday, October 30, 2009

Trick or treat - Aerosim style.

So bad is my slacking on photos, I don't even have any to put up today.

Today at Aerosim Technologies (purveyors of quality aviation contraptions) we had a halloween party. It's a fun affair: people bring their kids, candy is placed at strategic places, food is shared, anarchy ensues.

Jenny graciously came down with the kids. Abby was dressed as a cow, which was pretty fantastically cute. Lily was dressed as a chicken, which would have been cute if she'd allowed it to happen for more than 2 minutes and not mourned the entire process for the duration. Thus, cuteness was averted for her. We settled for her in some chicken leg pants and a white onesie. Meh.

Once they got settled in and understood the concept of walking to all the cubicles and the taking of candy, they started to enjoy the grand spectacle of halloween - office-style. They had very little trouble walking up to people at their cubes and plying them for some tasty treats. Even better, the simple act of taking candy and putting it in their pumpkins was a joy for them, and they're still too young to know how awesome the actual candy is when eaten. So we only had to take it from them, without trying to steal it secretly. Everyone wins!

Woulda been great if I'd gotten some pictures today. Didn't.

Day two hundred and sixty six.

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