Saturday, September 19, 2009

Someone give my daughter some beads.

Abs and Moms.

Thanks Lori for the reply yesterday. I hate to beat a dead horse, but seriously...I mean, can they just unilaterally decided that us people with normal ratio tvs are dinosaurs? Bah! Meh!

This morning, we went to watch our niece Kyla play soccer. This turned out to be more of a practice than a game, which in turn turned out to me more a massive game of "Duck duck goose" when the coach and/or the balls did not turn up for a while. When they did, it became clear that our niece is actually pretty good at footy. Go, girl.

The highlight (for our kids, at least) was when Lily waddled over to a bunch of people and stared at them from a few feet away. We watched. The other people looked at her. There was uncertainty thick in the air. Then Lily layed her cards on the table and flashed them. Yup. Lifted up her shirt for all to see her gleaming white belly, "Girls Gone Wild" style.

The rest of the day was a blur of chores. A chorey blur. A chlure.

Tonight Chris, Emily, and Ella came over for dinner. We made a quick foray into the park for me to nab a Poho365 photo, where there was an alfresco performance of a play called "The Buddha Prince". Good stuff.

Day two hundred and fifteen.

My little runaway. Run run run run runaway.

A rare glimpse of Lily actually running at me.

Scouring the powderhorn hillside for things that are only known to her and her alone.

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