Sunday, August 9, 2009

Moist! There, I said it.

There is no right way to protect your kids from the sun. When I say "your kids", I mean Lily. She hates hats (despite them looking fantastic on her). The only other option is sunscreen, but here's something we've started to find out: sunscreen ends up in eyes, almost invariably. When that happens, there is a severe case of the unhappies. Maybe it's our application technique. Maybe we're morons. But it's happened a couple times now. Somebody should do something about that annoying yellow ball of fire that is a complete nuisance to us.

Today was Sunday, and we did a bunch of crap that I could tell you about, but then you'd have to go find your socks because they will have been bored right off of you.

I can summarize easily:

Art fair, couple purchases, very fast, little free time today, humidity, moistness (funny aside: I just heard a thingy on "Wait wait don't tell me" about 'moist' being the least favorite word in the language, which is funny because Jen's always hated it, like, a lot. Come to find, she was not alone in her hatred.), Dad's house, kids everywhere, screaming, food, chaos, confusion, Abby almost walking but not quite, a/c in the car, sleepiness.

Sleepiness is the key word there.

Day one hundred and seventy five.

Two peas.

Abby was playing peek-a-boo behind the coffee table.

Sunday morning. Quality time.

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