Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Random facts from the day.

Vanilla bean.

I have a great idea that would make a ton of money. Please somebody alert the appropriate person at Nokia or Erickson or whoever else makes cell phones.

Why not make a cell phone geared towards the needs of parents? My kids enjoy playing with my phone, and I certainly don't mind letting them mess about with it (I ignore those lingering hypothoses about cell phone usage and tumor growth in the brain). However, as would be expected, my kids push a dizzying array of buttons on the phone, and I'm normally left with 19 blank photos and a new Hannah Montana ringtone. Why can't they make cell phones with a feature that locks the keyboard and turns it into a kid pretend-phone? How awesome would that be?

The phone should also be able to double as a whitenoisemaker, monitor, projector, pacifier, and possibly a nanny. Simply holding the phone would also add 2.4 hours to the day.

Abby stayed up late tonight, which turned out to be a blessing. She had given Jen a hard time all day, constantly whining and crying and in a generally foul mood. As is her normal technique, though, she was an absolute riot when staying up late. I think she successfully erased a day of bad memories for Jen by being a stitch during the last hour of it.

According to Jen, Lily had a super day. She was delightful indeed during the evening hours, until we made her stop pushing a chair at the global market. Then she wailed almost the entire way home. I have no idea why, but she wanted so badly to just push a chair around by Mapps coffee, over and over again. That's her idea of fun.

Jen did a bang up job teaching the girls animal sounds today. When I came home, they both were able to do "moo", "meow", "woof", and sometimes "baa" by asking, "What does the ___ say?" There's a lot more vocalization happening for both of them. I'm cautiously optimistic.

This entry is terrible.

Day one hundred and seventy seven point seven.

I never did find out what these people were looking at during the art fair.

Art fair head-on collision.

Cocoa bean.

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