Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lily can yell like a champ.

Invertedness highlights her hair.

We got a lot of very nice messages for our announcement yesterday, so a big thanks to all of you. A few people did write to postulate that we may be on the south side of sanity. To those people, I admit that it does look like we're quite mad. In truth, our plan all along - from our tender first meeting in '95 - was to have as many kids as possible at the worst possible financial time. This was a great first date discussion. We'd also resolved around that time to buy our first house 39 seconds before the housing bubble burst. 2 for 2.

I'd like to also take the time to say thanks for all the responses people wrote regarding the Abby post from a few days ago. It was truly a hard thing to write, but satisfying. I'm not sure in what capacity I'll continue to write specifically about her condition, because dammit I just don't feel like it sometimes, so if you are curious or want to ask anything about her, don't be shy, ask away.

The weekend went. Stuff happened. I spent most of the time outside trying to bend the forces of nature to do my bidding. I managed to learn something Saturday: If you let a corner of your yard go feral, it turns gross. You'd think it would revert to some natural midwestern prairie-type patch, weed-infested but natural seeming. In fact, it turns into something disgusting and kinda putrid. I can't describe really how or why a bunch of weeds are gross, but the were. Most of them were taller than I am (and I'm 6' 10"), there were lots of flies and hornets, and it was miserable.

Today my brother donated his entire day to helping move the deck project along. Progress was made, which felt nice. The benches are 96% done; please stop by anytime and have a sit if the mood strikes you.

Kids were good. We took them to Nokomis today to swim for what turned out to be the chilliest hour of the last 2 weeks. Remember: we are pros at terrible timing. Despite some chattering baby teeth, they had a good time. Lily was not fond of leaving, and kinda screamed at us the whole way home. It wasn't crying, it was something much more adult and nefarious. She just belted forth in pure unhappiness. An ugly portent of future hysterics. On the plus, those kids are little waterbugs. By that I mean they love the water; they don't walk across the water's surface using surface tension....that would be silly. But awesome.

This post might be longer, if it weren't for the fact that this laptop is heating my crotch to a phenomenally warm temperature. Perfect reason to stop.

Day one hundred and eighty two.

How happy are we that another kid is coming? Yaaaaaay!

In the wild, most babies pick the bugs off their mother's heads.

All attitude.

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