Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I think this happens when I get tired.

I had one of those moments today when I was looking at the kids and suddenly couldn't believe that I had two kids, I mean, really it seemed impossible, and then none of my life seemed possible, then my brains started to hurt and I felt like I was going to explode. Do those ever stop happening as kids get older?

Day one hundred and forty niner.

ps. Abby recognized an apple in a book today and said, "Apple". Or something close enough to make us proud.

We are working on brushing the teeth. Fortunately, the kids absolutely love it, and seem to understand it preternaturally.

But it doesn't mean they have to be cute when they brush.

Recycled photos from the weekend. Abb-solutely Fabulous. Hilarious play on words on my part.

The girls rule the world when they wear sunglasses, so it's nice that they're starting to leave them on for longer than 1.3 seconds.

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