Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Skyway Chili, here I come.

Abby loves balls. Squishy ones are her favorite. She's especially good at "catching" them when they roll to her, and surprisingly she is pretty reliable at rolling it back.

Kids were super tonight. We went to target, which is pretty much Disneyland on 66th Street for them. We like to get seperate carts, and I face them towards each other and bang them together. I start softly, but it usually escalates to the point where the carts are smashing into one another quite smartly, which sends them into fits of laughter. Ah the happiness.

The Happiness lasted for a while, until Lily decided she'd had enough of the cart life. Out she went. While Jen considered car seats for a while, Lily literally (Lily literally...nice ring to that) ran some grooves into the aisles of Target. She is a machine, she would not stop running. Oh yes, that's not true, she would stop to stare at strangers and approach them in a friendly manner.

Fun stuff. The trip to Target was necessary to provision ourselves for our voyage to Cincinnati this weekend. In the car. For 12 hours. Each way. The entire Minnesota Gelsians are headed back to their Ohioan roots to visit the cousins/uncles/aunts/etc. The girls' first real long road trip. We're looking forward to it and fearing it at the same time.

If you have any tips on keeping 2 kids happy for 12 hours, please, for the love of god, please please email me or call me any time, day or night.

Day one hundred and thirty five.

More time with that ball.




  1. Dave:
    It's "Skyline" Chili, not "Skyway". If a Cincinnatian hears you say Skyway, you'll be carted off to Northern Kentucky immediately. (Skyway was where you ate drive-in burgers in Akron.)

  2. Oh, no. No no. I'm saddened that I could have made such a stupid mistake. I must say that I definitely know that it's Skyline, but it was just a slip, one of those uber-fatigued mental slips that happen close to midnight.

    And I will state in my defense that which you've already alluded to: that I do get it mixed up in my head only because we lived so close to a Skyway burger place.

    I only hope I can enjoy the 5-way with the taste of bitter shame on my tongue.
