Monday, December 28, 2009

My kid = meow mix

Enthusiastic credit to my niece Maya for this photo.

Today's family activity: Florida Wildlife Zoo Place! (not the real name...I actually forgot the real name of the place) A couple steps above your normal roadside attraction, they had a hodgepodge of alligators and crocodiles (or Abbygators and Crocolilies), with a variety of snakes and panthers and other wildlife to boot. It was a fun little trip. Untrue to my form, I won't bore you with all the details, save one.

Our group had just passed the panther pen, where we all had looked in on the large cats napping in various positions of leisure. Abby and I were bringing up the rear, and when we came by the pen, a hellish cat creature appeared out of nowhere, utterly silent, and started pacing the enclosure, eyes steely, fixed, unblinking on my blonde hors d'oeuvre of a daughter. There was no doubt that this animal was stalking my might as well have had a bib around its neck and a spork in its paw. It was like seeikng an old person in front of an Old Country Buffet at 4 pm. Scary hungry.

In hilarious and very chilling juxtaposition, Abby continued toddling around the walk, picking up dead leaves and babbling contentedly to herself while this instrument of certain death paced just a few feet from her. It was truly kind of unsettling and really, really funny at the same time. Odd combo. As far as I know, Abby never even saw the panther.

Sorry I didn't get a photo, my camera was ungettable at the time; it would have been a fantastic shot.

Day three hundred and fifteen.

What's a roadside wildlife attraction without some Embryos of Bobcat? I think I've got the name of my rock band.

Jen, Grace, Mark, Tracey, Lucy, and Steve. Not pictured: our kids, who we'd already tossed into the pen for "croc petting time".

Papa watching the kids.

Abby stole Mommy's hat. Forgivable, given the cuteness factor.

1 comment:

  1. You know, that is where the bobcat line of machinery starts out (bobcat embryos). Sorry, that was bad
