Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our Rashy Day

Shellshocked from a changing nightmare.

Upside down Lily cake.

I'm exhausted, and I have to be honest I don't really want to do an entry tonight. I'm still mystified by this cold and sore throat that I can't shake, and it's sapping my energy at every turn.

The girls' rashes look ridiculously terrible. Changing them is a nightmare, complete with shrieking, thrashing, and cursing. I can't blame them: it looks absurdly painful, and the guilt of having to clean them and cause them that pain is like a needle in my heart.

We spent most of the day having a lazy house day, usually naked or pantless, letting them air out as much as possible. During the afternoon, I headed to the Bensons' to do a family photoshoot with those crazy people, which was fun because their kids are hilarious and well behaved - a rare combo.

Tonight, went to my Dad's, celebrated my birthday (a week early), had some pizza and cake (it was good cake, Dad, really), and enjoyed each other's company before the elder Gels flies south for the winter. We'll all miss DaJiPapa this winter...

Day two hundred and eighty nine.

Yeah, she's naked under there.

Does this not just look like lazy Sunday or what?


  1. Matthew has a rash too. It sucks. What's with the hats in the house. Is it cold?

  2. No Christy, Lily just saw her hat and insisted on wearing it. But she also insisted on handing Abby her hat, so Abs wanted to wear hers too. Lily believes she and Abby should do things as a pair. :)
