Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cough hack.

Lily the plumber.

Reason #109 that I'm glad this blog is going to expire soon: I've already fallen asleep on the couch, and Jen's had to roust me in order for me to drag my bleary self to the computer so I can write this.

I think I'm suffering a sleep deficit.

Despite the nagging persistence of a cough and general phlegminess, we packed up both kids today and hauled them in to day care ("Naaay caaaaare!" -Lily). I felt okay with it, since I got a pretty accurate temp from Abby of 98 degrees. You might be tempted to ask how I know it's accurate; I would be tempted to tell you that you really don't want to know.

It's brutal hearing those kids cough. Abby sounds startlingly like Gollum from Lord of the Rings, and it makes the hairs on my neck leap to attention. It's especially bad when she gets worked up, starts crying, that leads to coughing, and in just a few seconds it seems like she can barely breath with how hard she's hacking and bawling. She did this the other morning, and it took us a good 5 minutes of ineffectual soothing before we realized that she just wanted water. She is so hard headed about not using words, it's maddening.

Lily's cough seems to have less bite to it, yet it's no less pleasant to hear. I'm going to be forbidding these kids from getting sick from now on.

Esther, I will try and give you some kid head measurements. Can I just throw open the window shade and hold up my hands in an approximation of their head size and you can look over? No, no...I'll measure. They haven't been to the doctor in a while, so their stats are out of date.

Day three hundred and three.

I think I already posted this one. Lily snuggling with book.

Abs drawing.

Abs pretending to eat peas. Trust me, she's not eating them.


  1. Re: could signal out the window, but I'm in Atlanta, so I wouldn't see. Will wave over the fence this weekend.

  2. You can't stop the blog, I will be sad. Very sad. As in no-more-treats sad.
