Monday, November 16, 2009


Not even December yet, and I'm already grappling with what feels like my second round with illness. Woke up feeling blah, throat protesting every breath and swallow. The day didn't improve it, nor did caring for the girls solo tonight, as Jen had class. Here are some brief, random tidbits.

- Lily got a timeout for pushing Abby really hard.
- Abby splashed us all quite solidly during bathtime.
- One of their leapfrog toys is almost out of batteries, and it started making a funny noise as a result. Abby slowly backed away from it until she hit my waist, then bent down and laid her torso on my legs. It was super cute, I think she was scared kinda, but not really.
- Lily tried to wash my head with a washcloth, again during bathtime.

I think tonight was the first time ever with the morons that I did not (from what I remember) laugh at all, not once. I was just so exhausted, I could barely muster the energy to keep going. Meh. Springtime, you are far off indeed.

Day two hundred and eighty three.

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1 comment:

  1. The angel in that picture could not have shoved her sister! No way!
