Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I've been driving for 12 hours. I'm starting to hallucinate in two lanes.

Cincinnati to Minneapolis in 14 hours with two 16 month olds. I dare you to try it. It wasn't actually as bad as it could have been; I think we dodged a bullet, and the girls were mostly compliant the whole way through. Unfortunately we did have to beware of trolls just north of Indianapolis. Then we circumnavigated Chicago due to a severe Kraken alert on Lake Michigan (their tentacly tentacles can reach for many miles inland, as many a tale does tell). And most disastrously, forecasters were tracking a major Jonas Brothers system pushing up through Eau Claire right around the time we were heading through.

Amazingly, we lived to tell the tale.

I'll recap the entire trip tomorrow when I'll have since showered the 3 millimeters of fast food and general travelling grime and muck off my sweaty self.

Here are some stats from both drives combined:

Crosswords finished - 3
Games of I Spy played - 21
Number of games of I Spy that did not have an answer of "cow" - 4
Atlases purchased - 1
Rounds of "She'll be coming 'round the mountain" sung - 8 or 9
Degree of shock experienced by Jen and I when we found that one of the verses of that song is "We will kill that old red rooster when she comes" - 12 out of 12 (what the hell does an old red rooster have to do with that chick coming round the mountain? Poor rooster.)
Number of non-kid songs played - 0 (we forgot the ipod, and had no cd's in the car)
Chances Mark gave us of making it home after he drove our car in Cincinnati and diagnosed it with a severe case of bad bearings - next to none
Backup plans we had in case those bearings gave out on the way - 0
Number of minutes Lily slept in the car - 192
Number of minutes Abby slept in the car - 1.92

The numbers do not lie.

I apologize both for missing yesterday, and not having more tonight. Tomorrow I'll get back in the groove.

Day one hundred and forty two.

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